Posted on Category:Baking

Is Food Silicone Harmful

Let’s say at once – the absolute harm of silicone forms for baking is not proven. But that does not mean that you should not hesitate to buy these products and use them to the fullest extent. The debate about this has not ceased for a long time, and advertising assures that cooking in such containers is as safe as in old eco-friendly cookware. In this article we’ll try to figure out if this is true.

The popularity of these products provided an impressive list of advantages.

Modern silicone for baking is elastic, versatile, has non-stick properties. This makes them great for baking dough products. And they release well in the already prepared form. For this you do not need to liberally oil the molds – muffins, cakes and other goodies literally jump out of their forms. Silicone is insensitive to corrosion, has a chemical inertness. Products made of it have an external appeal – they are made in different colors. But it is in the composition of paints can hide the danger of these products. They are made from synthetic food-grade rubber – a safe material.

Before answering the main question about silicone molds – are these products harmful or not, consider their other features.

The possible harm of silicone baking molds is not their only drawback

These products have not only advantages. The disadvantages of low-quality products include:

  • the availability of a huge number of low-quality products on the market;
  • need special care;
  • possible inclusion of plastic;
  • instability to open fire;
  • likely toxicity;
  • easily damaged by mechanical action;
  • deformed by high temperatures.
    Therefore, buy only high-quality silicone baking molds.

What you can replace silicone for baking

Mandatory condition when using such products – confidence in its quality. Not sure – use analogues offered by the modern market:

  • Stainless steel pastry sliding ring;
  • Heat-resistant glass – for pies, quiches, casseroles;
  • cast-iron cookware – gives you the opportunity to heat the food evenly;
  • Teflon-coated cookware – provides non-stick properties;
  • paper molds – for portioned desserts, resistant to high temperatures, good thermal conductivity;
  • Aluminum cookware – for muffin tarts and cookies;
  • Ceramic utensils – versatile and long-lasting heat retention.

All these products are harmless (in the case of Teflon while preserving the outer layer) and environmentally friendly. This is a great alternative for baking a variety of dishes. If you are concerned about the toxicity of silicone, choose products that are guaranteed to be safe.

How to determine if silicone baking molds are safe

Not always even the name of the manufacturer can guarantee sufficient product quality. The following criteria will help you check whether silicone baking molds are safe:

  • Smell. Harmful impurities give themselves away by the presence of a chemical odor. In quality cookware, it should not be there at all.
  • Density of silicone. Definitely there should not be gaps. The entire surface should be uniform and moderately dense.
  • Price. If you decided to save money and were tempted by the cheap offer, you must know – you are saving on your health. This is a fact. Pay attention: there should be a decent packaging, and in it – an accompanying label and a brochure with tips for use.
  • Place of Sale. It is best to buy such goods in branded stores.

But even this all, as the latest research confirms, is not a guarantee of absolute safety. And the information that the “right” silicone when heated does not release any harmful substances, is not confirmed. Although, for advertising purposes, it is mentioned in various circumscientific publications. About what the real studies show, read below.

What silicone emits when heated

Here are the results of the independent Swiss laboratory and tests.

Test samples were subjected to the following types of exposure:

  • Heating to 200 degrees for 4 hours with weighing before and afterwards;
  • baking of forms filled with acidified solution for 2 hours, followed by analysis of the composition of this liquid.

More than half of the samples lost 0.5% of their weight or more after heat treatment. Absolutely all of them had “spoiled” the solution inside.

The inertness of the material has therefore not been verified. The harm of silicone for baking can not be denied, if only because the materials approved for use in its composition is also not fully investigated. It decomposes at temperatures above 150 degrees. It is safe to use products made of it that are not heat treated. This can be a silicone pastry bag with nozzles, molds for mastic, jelly molds and other products for confectioners.

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